We are pioneers in providing services to gas & oil industry, in handling marine pollution, offshore firefighting, marine rescue, crisis resolution, towing ships, marine cranes, performing construction & pier repairs, commercial diving, equipment rentals, fleet services and more.
The mission
AS a top value!
No matter how many difficulties, challenges and obstacles there are in the way - we will execute our mission!
is nothing!
Adherence to purpose, task-oriented, efficient, fast and quiet.
There is no such thing as impossible.
There is no such thing as no!
Only the best are accepted
Training costs us a lot of resources and we do not compromise on the learning stages. At the end of the "route" our crews are integrated into the various teams according to need and tasks
IS Welcome
A significant part of what our DNA as a company is to do above and beyond to bring our customers a complete solution, both within the tasks themselves and as a comprehensive set of services
We deal with the unexpected calmly, creatively & quickly
We are
of our clients
When we get the green light for a project, Our clients can be sure they are in good hands. We are already on the path to the success of the missions
We live in a tough and deadly environment. Nature does not allow us to compromise on procedures and safety - both of human life and of equipment. The sea and weather change frequently and we adapt to complex improvisation options during activity.
With the help of our extensive experience in all areas of maritime activity, we have developed professional skills and high personal-social security.
The courage embedded in us allows us to make quick decisions during the activity. The teams are trained for this and implement it in the tasks themselves.
We have no fear, apprehension or hesitation. Adaptation in quick decision making while maintaining procedures and superior safety, brings edge quality in task execution, speed of response and success.
Danchor - a family owned company. we brought our family values to the firm. We treat the entire range of employees as family members, and we give them everything we can, with the understanding that motivation, investment and caring are reflected in the activity.
We believe that excellence is a supreme value, and in order to reach the successful activity of an elite unit - the dimensions of investment and attention must be absolute. We promote an agenda that only through a humane, warm and family fabric among the people of the company, and by fostering close friendships can a degree of success like ours be achieved. The company believes in and promotes taking responsibility and ownership of the tasks and projects, both in successes and challenges.
In day-to-day activities - the integrity, reliability and relationships between staff members, and the partnership in the life of the complex, dangerous reality, and under the stress we routinely experience - create a dependency of life and safety between us all. We fully trust one another, and we are fully committed to achieving the excellence that characterizes us.
This is how we deal with our customers and suppliers.
We care because we're MATES!
We work to bring solutions to challenges. We live in a routine of unexpected cases - and we must find a way to solve them and to fulfill the tasks on the best side, in any weather, at any time of the day, anywhere - at the land, above or below water, at high altitude or underground, often Within seconds, sometimes in great danger.
We live outside the box and so does our way of acting. The immediate solutions must be with great mental flexibility.
We get inspiration from all our staff, from various suppliers, from our customers and from other and new industries - all of which help us carry out the tasks while delivering our missions and bringing unconventional solutions.
The wide range and style of our employees and suppliers - allows us to control every situation & succeed.